Quantum Dots in Displays vs Conventional Displays

September 15, 2021

Quantum Dots in Displays vs Conventional Displays

Have you ever wondered what makes the display of your smartphone or laptop brighter and better? The answer lies in the technology used in the displays. Two of the most popular display technologies in use are Quantum Dots and Conventional displays. Let’s compare them to find out the winner!

What are Quantum Dots?

Quantum dots are nanocrystals made of semiconductor materials that emit light as a result of fluorescence. These tiny particles are incredibly small, in the range of 2 to 10 nanometers in diameter.

Compared to other materials, quantum dots have a wider color gamut, offer brighter and more vivid colors, and consume less power. Furthermore, they can be used with many backlighting technologies like OLED and QLED (Quantum-dot Light Emitting Diode) displays.

What are Conventional Displays?

Before the advent of quantum dots, conventional displays were the only option. Conventional displays include LED, LCD, and Plasma displays. These displays work based on a simple principle: a backlight illuminates the screen, and each pixel filters it to show different shades of color.

Although conventional displays are cheaper to manufacture, they offer limited color accuracy and restricted viewing angles.

How do they Compare?

Quantum dot displays outperform conventional displays in terms of color accuracy, brightness, and energy efficiency.

Quantum-dot displays offer a wider color gamut, displaying millions of vibrant colors, much more than what a conventional display can reproduce. The color accuracy is so high that viewers can feel a more realistic experience, almost similar to what they observe in the real world.

In terms of brightness, quantum-dot displays have more vivid and brighter images, making them perfect for outdoor usage. Quantum-dot displays can reach up to 2000nits of brightness, whereas the best LCD displays can only go up to 1000nits.

Quantum dot displays are also more energy-efficient, meaning that they consume less power per unit area than traditional displays. Quantum-dot displays consume approximately 20-30% less power than their LCD counterparts, making them eco-friendlier.


Quantum dot displays offer a better overall experience than conventional displays. They offer brighter, more vivid colors and consume less power, making them the perfect choice for your next TV or smartphone.


  • Banerjee, B., Ghosh, D., Banerjee, P., & Chakraborty, T. (2020). Quantum dots: A boon for display technology. Materials Today: Proceedings, 22, 200-205.
  • Bhowmik, A. K., Gope, S., & Chattopadhyay, S. (2018). Quantum dots application in display technology: A review. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 18(4), 2297-2316.

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